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The Lord of the Rings - The War of the Rohirrim (Anime | 2024; Kamiyama)

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  • The Lord of the Rings - The War of the Rohirrim (Anime | 2024; Kamiyama)

    Screenshot 2022-02-15 144252.png
    Warner Bros. and New Line Cinema haven’t said much about Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim. And while they still hasn’t even shown as much as a trailer for the animated feature, it does have a premiere date, albeit one that is far away: April 12, 2024.

    Variety is reporting on the date and also states that the voice cast will be revealed “soon.” This animated film is set around two centuries before The Hobbit and the main trilogy and will “explore the exploits of Helm Hammerhand, the King of Rohan, and the creation of Helm’s Deep.”

    Kenji Kamiyama, known for his work on Blade Runner: Black Lotus and Star Wars: Visions, will be directing through his studio Sola Entertainment. The film is also drawing from Peter Jackson’s features, as shown by Variety’s exclusive piece of concept art. Warner Bros. Pictures Group Chairman Toby Emmerich spoke about the film and, singling out Kamiyama himself.
    [the hatches are open!]

  • #2
    Aaaaalter . . . kaum werden die Rechte zerpflückt. XD Aber das stelle ich mir durchaus interessant vor. Da können sie dann mal so richtig schön durchmetzeln, wie es sich gehört.
    "Kommt Geister, die ihr lauscht auf Mordgedanken . . . und entweiht mich!" - MacBeth


    • #3
      Okay...wenn's Richtung "Prinzessin Mononoke" geht, bin ich dabei... :D

